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Fair Playing Time Guidance

From The FA Youth Football Position Statements (Dermot Collins 12/06/2020)

We believe that Clubs should clearly set out their selection and game time policies, so that parents are aware of the approach taken and can take this into account in selecting a club that meets the needs of their child or children. A failure to offer playing time has a direct correlation on players enjoyment and leads to drop out from the game.

Suggestion based on Omonoa Youth Coaching guidelines

Foundation Phase

Equal Playing time for all. This is non-negotiable. Provided players demonstrate basic expectations of a positive attitude and good behaviour, equal playing time for all is expected and is consistent with the clubs ethos of “football for all”

Youth Development Phase

Minimum playing time. There is still the aspiration for equal playing time. It is encouraged. Competitive football allows a greater degree of flexibility. However, all players are expected to play at least 20 minutes on match day.