Mark Bacon : Y


YAML Ain't Markup Language

YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted. YAML targets many of the same communications applications as Extensible Markup Language (XML) but has a minimal syntax which intentionally differs from SGML. It uses both Python-style indentation to indicate nesting, and a more compact format that uses [...] for lists and {...} for maps thus JSON files are valid YAML 1.2.

Custom data types are allowed, but YAML natively encodes scalars (such as strings, integers, and floats), lists, and associative arrays (also known as maps, dictionaries or hashes). These data types are based on the Perl programming language, though all commonly used high-level programming languages share very similar concepts. The colon-centered syntax, used for expressing key-value pairs, is inspired by electronic mail headers as defined in RFC 822, and the document separator --- is borrowed from MIME (RFC 2046). Escape sequences are reused from C, and whitespace wrapping for multi-line strings is inspired by HTML. Lists and hashes can contain nested lists and hashes, forming a tree structure; arbitrary graphs can be represented using YAML aliases (similar to XML in SOAP). YAML is intended to be read and written in streams, a feature inspired by SAX.

The official recommended filename extension for YAML files is .yaml

---  # yaml document begining
# comment syntax

# basic syntax - key and value separated by colon and space before the value
key: value

# Scalar data types
integerValue: 1                     # integer value
floatingValue: 1                     # floating vale

stringValue: "456"                   # string with double quotes
stringValue: 'abc'                  # string with single quotes
stringValue: wer                   # string without quotes

booleanValue:true                   # boolean values - true or false

# Multiline string with literal block syntax -preserved new lines
string1: |

# Multiline strings with folded block syntax - new lines are not preserved, leading and trailing spaces are ignore
  string1: >
# Collection sequence data types
 # sequence arraylist example
 - One
 - two
 - Three

  # another way of sequence  syntax example
  [one, two , three]

### dictionary
    hostname: localhost
    port: 3012
    username: root
    password: root